43 - Sword & Sorcery with Jared Shurin

43 - Sword & Sorcery with Jared Shurin

This episode I'm joined by Jared Shurin (@straycarnivore) of the award-nominated genre site Pornokitsch (@pornokitsch), and editor with Mahvesh Murad of the upcoming anthology The Djinn Falls in Love.  We discuss the Sword & Sorcery subgenre, and an old quote from Lin Carter defining the genre.

We call a story Sword & Sorcery when it is an action tale, derived from the traditions of the pulp magazine adventure story, set in a land, age or world of the author's invention - a milieu in which magic actually works and the gods are real - a story, moreover, which pits a stalwart warrior in direct conflict with the forces of supernatural evil.

In addition, Charles Payseur joins us to recommend short fiction centered around falling.

Transcript here.  Transcript of Charles' review here.

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

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Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

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