50 - The Obelisk Gate (pt 1)

Jonah Sutton-Morse

Kaleb Russell and Rose Eveleth join me to talk about The Obelisk Gate.  Also Charles Payseur recommends short fiction about libraries.

Thanks for your patience during an extended (and unplanned) hiatus.  Hopefully the podcast will begin regularly monthly service now.  You can also subscribe to my emails about having a hobby farm & being a Quaker, or follow my blogging about Tolkien.

Recommended Stories - 

The Universal Library (written & translated Erik Born), in Mithila Review Issue #9

Turing Machines of Babel - Eric Schwitzgebel, in Apex Magazine

Library of Lost Things - Matthew Bright, at Tor.Com

The Librarians Dilemma, E. Saxey in Journal of Unlikely Academia

In Libres, Elizabeth Bear, In Uncanny Magazine #4

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

Send feedback! Tweet the showBe a guest on the show

Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

If you want to subscribe to the show, the RSS feed is: http://www.cabbagesandkings.audio/?format=rss

49 - Rion Amilcar Scott discusses Insurrections

49 - Rion Amilcar Scott discusses Insurrections

Rion Amilcar Scott (@reeamilcarscott), author of the award-winning collection Insurrections joins me to discuss his book, the aesthetic of speculative fiction, and the boundaries between the real and the fantastic.  Also Charles Payseur (@clowderoftwo) recommends short stories with whales.  

Story recommendations from Charles Payseur (transcript of Charles' reviews)

“An Account of the Sky Whales” by A Que, translated by Andy Dudak (Clarkesworld June 2017)

“We Who Live in the Heart” by Kelly Robson (Clarkesworld May 2017)

“The Beachings” by JY Yang (Sockdolager Fall 2016)

“Whale-Oil” by Sylvia V. Linsteadt (BCS April 2016)

“Whaling With Clowns” by Chris Kuriata (Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix 2017)

“A Brief History of Whaling with Remarks Upon Ancient Practices” by Nicasio Andres Reed (QDSFLightspeed June 2015)

Two stories from Insurrections

202 Checkmates

Boxing Day

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

Send feedback! Tweet the showBe a guest on the show

Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

If you want to subscribe to the show, the RSS feed is: http://www.cabbagesandkings.audio/?format=rss

48 - Book Club

48 - Book Club
Jonah Sutton-Morse

Megan (@couchtomoon) and Maureen (@maureenkspeller) join me for another round of the Cabbages & Kings book club.  Rather than discuss the Clarke Award, we each brought a book of our choice. (Note that unrelated to this episode Megan and Maureen are participating in a Shadow Clarke jury, which has been the site of some fascinating discussions and reviews)  In this episode: Sarah Tolmie's The Stone Boatmen, Sun Yung Shin's Unbearable Splendor and Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

Send feedback! Tweet the showBe a guest on the show

Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

If you want to subscribe to the show, the RSS feed is: http://www.cabbagesandkings.audio/?format=rss

47 - Careful Attention Without Mastery

47 - Careful Attention Without Mastery

This episode I am joined by Kate Schapira, host of the Climate Anxieties Counseling blog, to discuss Jeff VanderMeer's award-winning Annihilation, as well as some of her early introductions to the SF&F genre. 

Transcript here.

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

Send feedback! Tweet the showBe a guest on the show

Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

If you want to subscribe to the show, the RSS feed is: http://www.cabbagesandkings.audio/?format=rss

46 - Surrounded by the Past

46 - Surrounded by the Past
Cabbages & Kings

This episode I'm joined by Kate Heartfield (@KateHeartfield) to discuss Historical Fantasy, and Charles Payseur (@clowderoftwo) has short fiction recommendations.

Four Haunted Houses Adam Troy Castro, Nightmare (Sep 2016)

The Girl Who's Going To Survive Your Horror Movie Barbara Bennett, Flash Fiction Online (Mar 2017)

If We Survive The Night Carlie St. George, The Dark (Mar 2017)

The Venus Effect Joseph Allan Hill, Lightspeed Magazine (Dec 2016)

None of This Ever Happened Gabriela Santiago, POC Destroy Horror (Oct 2016)

Indigenous Futurisms Roundtable at Strange Horizons

Transcript to come.  Review text here.

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by  @etrandem

Send feedback! Tweet the showBe a guest on the show

Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

If you want to subscribe to the show, the RSS feed is: http://www.cabbagesandkings.audio/?format=rss