17 - Seeing Yourself in the Narrative

17 - Seeing Yourself In the Narrative
Jonah Sutton-Morse

This episode Cecily Kane (Blog, Twitter) stops by to discuss her history with reading science fiction and fantasy (including the shelves where she didn't find most of her favorite books), and a number of favorite short stories.  Along the way she recommended a lot of favorite books and we talked about author voices.

Books discussed

Short stories - 

A Song For You and The Great Silence which we will be reading and discussing on Twitter this week with the #ShortSFF hashtag.

Ether and Tongtong's Summer, both Chinese stories translated & published in Clarkesworld magazine.  Each story explores the impact of technology on human connection in a near-future setting, but with very different outlooks.  We got deep in our feels.

Malon Edwards - The Half-Dark Promise

Sunny Moraine - Cold as the Moon, and A Shadow on the Sky

Wole Talabi - Crocodile Ark and Eye

Makeisha In Time by Rachael K. Jones

(Cecily also recommended this review of Redemption in Indigo by Nikki of Bookpunks)

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by@etrandem

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Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

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