11 - Interview with Shana DuBois

11 - Interview with Shana DuBois
Jonah Sutton-Morse

My guest this week is Shana (@booksbound on Twitter).  We talk about her own introduction to the genre via horror and science fiction TV shows, The Canon, supporting Small Presses (including some great books!), waiting on a series, and re-reading and marking up books.  Shana also reveals her standard for what makes a book good enough to keep her hooked.

Shana's list of small presses - 


Coode St. Podcast discussion of Elysium (ep 209, around 27 minutes)

Discussion with Nicolette of Bookpunks including "collecting" authors

Book Smugglers review of Archivist Wasp

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by @etrandem

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Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

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